Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Inception..Mind blowing cinematic experience!

All hail..Chris Nolan! Inception is a movie worth watching at least twice. Wait, let me correct that..Inception is a movie which is to be watched twice to be able to appreciate it's worth.

The movie itself as a story is definitely something you wouldn't rave about...its quite far fetched, landing somewhere between sci-fi and fantasy. It's the movie-watching experience where Nolan scores above all. I don't remember the last time that I experienced such a satisfying viewing of a movie.

I made all sorts of expressions watching the movie....expressions of surprise, wonder, amazement and just pure disbelief. Sounds like "Whoa", "What the.." and "Holy.." were heard throughout. Again, I think the key here to Inception's massive success is Screenplay. Of course, acting, direction and all that is impeccable, but it's the screenplay which turns the movie like the totem symbolizing the dream that Nolan weaves. Here, he is god..his writing undulated and superbly clarified. Scenes move with fluidity and the action is choreographed to match it. There's no "Die-hardish" explosive action, nor the grand scale of "The Dark Knight". This is Nolan's show all the way...exactly how he wanted to make a movie.

Di Caprio is great, but somehow I liked the other actors better - Watanabe, Gordon-Lewitt and Page. The latter, especially shines in some crackling scenes.

Don't miss it!

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