Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The 'Duh' Vinci Code

Well, I finally went ahead and watched it. Yep, that's right. Now, I really dont like to write about something I didn't enjoy, but I had been waiting for this movie for so long, I must say it's a bit..awkward. Frankly speaking, nothing spectacular about the movie. Sure, it's a very faithful adaptation of the book. I first read it a couple of years ago. As it is with most books-turned-blockbusters, the film did not appeal to me as much as the book did. Although I have read much better fiction than Dan Brown's potboiler, it is an undeniable fact that the bestseller is a page turner in a most extreme way.

I first read a review somewhere about the movie before I watched it last weekend. As most critics would say, it was a so-so movie. So thats why I wont waste too much time in this post (I am still waiting to write about the fabulous 'Memento' after my second viewing). But before I end this post with yadayadayada, I want to point out what hollywood does in order to garner acclaim and blockbuster status. First, Ron Howard is a great director..I liked the guy's movies; And he has a good friend who is also a great actor..Hanks. So it may not be surprising when you see the next movie by Howard with Hanks in a leading role. But in the Da Vinci Code, Hanks is horribly miscast as Prof. Robert Langdon. Sure, he probably looks intelligent enough to pass for a professor in Symbology (snigger, snigger), but man does he look bored in the movie! Tom Hanks probably just did the movie out of pressure from his good friend Ron Howard, who in turn must have been under even more pressure from the production companies and more importantly, his prospective audience to cast a huge, bankable star! If you have read the book, Robert Langdon's character development has some minimal authenticity around it. The film chooses to ignore even that..character development is totally nil. Also, the other lead character in the book, Sophie Neveu is one of those tall, intelligent policewomen who doesnt take crap from anyone. Audrey Tatou is just...cute! She is dwarfed by Hanks' 5ft.11in. frame and I guess the decision of not making anything romantic between the two was a good choice afterall.

Well, to end it on a simpler note, The Da Vinci code is a watchable movie with nothing extraordinary about anything..the action (or whatever is missing of it), the performances, the special effects and if you know the story..then its just one of those Hardy Boys detective thrillers with a load of religious history thrown in for good measure. If you want a summer entertainer, I suggest watching probably MI-3!! (Horrors, but true).

Disappointing. Get ready for a good laugh in the most critical, serious moment in the film's running time! Unbelievable, isn't it?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Okay, here goes..first of all apologies and thanks to Amodini, who reminded me to continue writing and that there are people reading stuff on the internet! Of course, its just too bad that there are not enough comments for the posts, although I agree that doesnt mean people are not reading one's blogs. Anyway, I am posting this just as I finish watching 'Memento'..director Christopher Nolan's dark indie thriller. Was reading an article on Nolan and was surprised at how low key this film was when it was released. Imagine this 'review' being written almost six years after the movie released! This interview made me go out and rent out this movie. I must say, after watching the movie, I was just not ready to write anything about it..yet. But I do wanna write lots and lots about the movie...after a second helping, that is. The movie in question is just so amazingly intricate and complex, that for a normal person (yours truly..being modest, am I?), its just not possible to grasp at the details on a single viewing.

I do not want to present too much of the movie at the moment, but for a viewer who is into the dark, mysterious movies, this is a must-watch. I cannot remember any other movie making me think so much back..not only while watching, but hours after finishing it. Remember, if you are looking for a straight-forward movie with edge-of-the seat thrill rides along, forget it. Watching this movie was actually like solving a mind-numbing puzzle. So if you are thinking about popping the DVD in for a relaxed evening, you better consider sitting in the washing machine yourself while doing the laundry, because thats how I felt afterwards.

Here's the brief overview of the story..the remaining part to be continued after my second viewing. Please bear with me!

Opening shot..a man's left hand holding a polaroid photograph displaying something bloody. The hand keeps shaking the photograph once in a while. That's pretty normal..so you think. The print on the photograph slowly starts fading into black after each shake of the hand. That's right, but before you start imagining things related to industrial light and magic, the scene is actually the director's way of telling you how he is going to present the film to you. Right again..backwards. So the last scene in the movie is going to be the first one chronologically! In a funny way, you realize you are in for a terrible headache. Anyways, coming back to the story, as scenes pass by, you slowly get a grip on the story which is basically that the 'protagonist' if you could call him that is actually a guy called Leonard or 'Lenny' who is suffering from short-term memory loss because of a head injury. To top that off, he has to find his wife's killer to avenge her. Characters involved along with Leonard are Teddy, a mysterious guy who pops up from time to time trying to get involved with Lenny's activities, a woman named Natalie whose bar- tending antics made me really wary of chugging down beers which are on the house and a motel front desk operative among others.

Remember that feeling about sitting in a washing machine I mentioned earlier? Well, its just getting started. But slowly as the movie progressed, I realized I had a smile creeping up my face...and halfway through the movie, I felt like an idiot just thinking about that headache I mentioned above. This is not a headache!! It's pure bliss, if you are one of those who likes to put on your thinking cap once in a while! I still haven't figured out the whole movie yet, but I am going to..and I am writing about it! Until then, try watching this well crafted movie if you can and have fun.

See you soon! And oh, please, please leave comments if you are visiting..just a bit of motivation for the writer. :-)